Saturday 14 March 2015

Lunch Combo 3: Monotone..

There's a cabbage in the vegetable compartment. I never realized that I have the refrigerator compartmentalized. Added some pork belly to make the braised cabbage good. A carrot gave the dish the sweetness from within.
My smoothest potato soup, blended into perfection. I still have a few strips of bacon left in the freezer. The soup was just great.
 Baked tilapia covered with breadcrumbs. Nice eaten with big slabs of mayo....
And lazy me made cheese and onion loaf. It's not supposed to be so. The bread imploded due to the extreme moistness. The bread machine should just prepare the dough and the whole thing was meant to go into the tin loaf with the cheddar cheese sprinkled on the top layer. Lazy me dumped everything straight into the bread make to churn out a perfect loaf. Yeah, the loaf was perfect except for the implosion.

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